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Parents as Teachers


"Your Baby Was Born To Learn"


Parents As Teachers:

The goal of the Parents As Teachers program is to help parents be better teachers for their children during those most important years before kindergarten, and to help parents understand more about how children grow and develop.
The way a child grows and learns during the early years of 
life--beginning at birth--can have an enormous impact on his or her later development and success in school.  Parents in the program can expect to increase their awareness of their child's physical, social, emotional and intellectual development.
By working together, we can help make sure each child has the best possible start in life.  This will help assure that children in our community will be prepared to successfully continue learning when they enter school.

Parents As Teachers:  A program for all families

Enroll your child today in USD 320's Parents As Teachers program.

Parents As Teachers is afreeearly learning program for parents of young children, prenatal to age 3.


The program includes:

  1. Home visits every 4-6 weeks by a certified Parent Educator.
  2. Developmentally appropriate early childhood education materials and activities at each home visit.
  3. Vision, hearing, language and overall developmental screening.
  4. Group meetings on a variety of topics that relate directly to families.
  5. Playgroups where infants and toddlers can play together and parents can talk with one another.

Beginning at the Beginning:

         A parent is a child's first teacher.   
                 The home is a child's first schoolhouse.
Did you know that children learn the most from the people they love?
Being a parent is a lot more fun and much less stressful if:
         -You know how your child grows and develops.
         -You know how to encourage your child so he or she will 
           get a great start in life.
         -You share experiences and receive support from other 
           families who have a child  the same age as yours.

For more information contact:


Winter Berklund, PAT Parent Educator
(785) 617-0092

Parents As Teachers
Wamego USD 320
1010 8th St
Wamego, KS  66547
Parents As Teachers National Center