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USD 320 Title 1 Program


Jennifer Donnelly, Title 1 Teacher Courtney Simpson, Title 1 Teacher, Central Elementary      Jillian Tinkel

Jennifer Donnelly

Central Elementary

Courtney Simpson

Central Elementary

  Jillian Tinkel

Central Elementary

Abbt Ross, Title 1 teacher, West Elementary Lisa Kruse  

Abby Ross

West Elementary

Lisa Kruse

West Elementary




We will provide effective reading instruction based on current scientific research that teaches children to effectively read, write, listen, and speak.


Includes answers to questions such as:

    • What is Title I?

    • How does my child qualify for Title I services?

    • How do we monitor student progress?


Phonemic Awareness - the ability to hear and distinguish sounds.
Phonics - the ability to understand the relationship between letters and the sounds they represent.
Fluency - the ability to read with sufficient speed to support understanding.
Vocabulary - the students’ knowledge of and memory for word meanings.
Comprehension - the ability to understand and draw meaning from text. This includes:
    • Paying attention to important information
    • Interpreting specific meanings in text
    • Identifying the main idea
    • Verbal responses to questions
    • Application of new information gained through reading

Writing - the act of using written words to communicate ideas. Children develop several skills as they become writers, including how to organize their ideas, how to use written symbols (letters and words) to record those ideas and how different types of writing are organized
Literacy Apps – a list of apps available for free and purchase to support literacy in the home developed by Common Sense Education and Reading Rockets.

QUESTIONS? Central Elementary: centraltitle@usd320.com West Elementary: rossa@usd320.com

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