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Wamego Public Schools

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PTO (Parent Teacher Organization)

The purpose of the PTO is to promote the welfare of ALL children and to bring into closer relation the home and school. The PTO is open to all parents, grandparents, and teachers who believe that our children are the future. We encourage each of you to participate and have a voice in the future of our kids. The PTO meets jointly with the Central Elementary PTO at 6:00 p.m. in the Central Library. Meetings for the 2017-2018 school year will be as follows: September 14, October 26, November 16, January 18, February 15, April 19, and May 17. Officers are elected for the positions of President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. Officers for the 2017-2018 school year are President, Nancy Bosse; Vice-President, Angie McCune; Secretary, Aubrey Brown; and Treasurer, Janelle Fulton.


The West Elementary PTO has contributed so much to enhance our school. Some of these contributions include the following: (This list is not all inclusive.)


  • $25,000 toward the purchase of the two current playground structures
  • Multi-media system set-up for each classroom (this project included a 50” Plasma TV
    connected to teacher computer workstations with Interwrite Pads for interactive classroom Instruction)
  • $26,000 toward a $50,000 project to upgrade the above multi-media systems to
    Interactive Whiteboards (Promethean Boards) in all grade level classrooms
  • $17,000 to pay for a set of 25 laptop computers for a new computer lab
  • $32,000 to pay for iPads for students
  • $500 toward the purchase of iPad apps for students
  • Four flip video cameras with tripod
  • Two sets of soccer goals
  • Thirteen picnic tables for our picnic area patio
  • Legos Mindstorm Robotics kits for our Fifth Grade Robotics Club
  • Digital camera for use in our Art Program
  • Over 200 Guided Reading books for our Guided Reading library
  • Games for “indoor” recess
  • Balls for use on the playground
  • Educational gifts for each classroom at Christmas
  • Funding for each student for annual field trips
  • Snacks for students during special events (i.e. Play Day)
  • Meals for teachers during Parent/Student/Teacher Conferences
  • Organization of the Fifth Grade End of year Celebration
  • Classroom budget money ($300 per grade level and specialized classes in 2013-2014 and
    $150 per grade level in 2014-2015) for “incidental” items
  • $3000 for additional Guided Reading books during the 2014-2015 school year
  • $1,000 for each grade level to help with field trip expenses in 2015-2016
  • Playground equipment and P.E. equipment in 2015-2016
  • $1,500 per grade level and $1,500 for the specialized team during the 2016-2017 school
    year to help offset expenses of classroom supplies.


Volunteers for Special Events

Periodically, our PTO will send out requests for volunteers for various activities, such as help with Parent-Teacher Conference Meals, Play Day, Fifth Grade End of Year Celebration, or for other special events. Typically, PTO will use a system such as “SignUp”, which is an online tool for soliciting volunteers or donations. The school may also use a system such as this for volunteers or donations, or may communicate these needs through school email or blog posts.


All school volunteers must have a signed copy of the Volunteer Code of Conduct on file at the school.

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