West Elementary Programs and Activities
Instructional Programs
EngageNY—A conceptually-based math program with emphasis on problem-solving; understanding mathematical ideas; structuring cooperative learning opportunities; using language to communicate mathematical ideas; making meaning; and connecting mathematics to other subjects and the real world
Guided and Shared Reading—A comprehensive approach to reading and writing instruction that includes modeled, shared and interactive reading and writing; guided and independent reading and writing; integration of standards-based science and social studies skills with literacy skills; systematic reading instruction in phonemic awareness, phonics, vocabulary, fluency and comprehension; and systematic writing instruction in writing forms and organizational patterns, writing process and writing traits
6 + 1 Trait Writing—A powerful way to learn and use a common language to refer to characteristics of writing, as well as to create a common vision of what “good” writing looks like, including ideas and content; organization; voice; word choice; sentence fluency; conventions; and presentation.
Student Support Programs
Title I Reading—West Elementary is a Title 1 Targeted-Assisted School. Title 1 is a federally-funded program that provides additional support to students in the area of reading. The following criteria are used to identify students that need Title 1 Services: Building and district assessments, Kansas Assessments, individual assessments, classroom performance, and teacher observation. A yearly parent information meeting will be held for all students receiving Title 1 services. Parents will also have the opportunity to provide input on these services.
Reading Assistants—Staff that teach reading groups, providing both enrichment opportunities and remediation, as necessary.
Special Education Services— West Elementary is a member of the Special Services Cooperative of Wamego. Direct services are provided through the Cooperative in the areas of gifted, learning disabilities, behavior disorders, speech/language, and other programs. In addition to special service teachers working with these students, the building is also served by a school psychologist and school social worker. Special services student needs are met through a variety of in-class (inclusion) and pull-out delivery models. If you feel your child has special learning needs that are not being met in the regular classroom, please contact the building principal to discuss these issues.
Student Activities
Literature Club—Meets every other month during lunch to discuss books and share a love for reading
Student Nutrition Advisory Council—Provides input on our Food Service program and learns more about nutritious eating habits
Fifth Grade Only Activities
STEM Club—Explores science, technology, engineering and math through various stations. Two five-week sessions are offered during the school year; one in the fall and one in the spring.
Band—Musical instrument performance group that meets during the school day
West Junior Raiders Choir—Vocal performance group that meets before school from 7:45-8:05 a.m.