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West Elementary Counseling Program

November 08, 2017

Hello, my name is Robin Butler and I am the counselor at West Elementary School.  I have been a counselor in Wamego since 2000.  I have two years teaching experience and have been a school counselor since 1988.  I hope I can answer some of you questions below, but if you have any further questions, please feel free to contact me.
What is the School Counseling Program?
The school counseling program is designed to promote academic, career, and social/emotional development of our students. Within these ares, the counselor focuses on the counseling curriculum, individual student support, responsive services, and system support.
Counseling Curriculum Topics:
Students meet weekly for classroom guidance activities.  During our time together we discuss the following topics:
Skills for Learning
Emotion Management
Problem Solving
Career Awareness/Exploration
Decision Making
What does the School Counseling Program provide students?
Help resolve problems that interfere with learning;
Counsel groups on the topics of;
  • Divorce
  • Grief
  • Anger Management
  • Friendship
  • Deployment
  • Counsel individual students;
  • Conduct classroom guidance activities;
  • Facilitate educational activities that help students understand the responsibilities of work and participation in school;
  • Coordinate with school staff and community resources to assist students; and 
  • Offer crisis intervention and prevention.
How is a student referred to the school counselor?
Students may be referred to the counselor by self, parent/guardian, teacher, administrator, friend, or agency.
What does the School Counseling Program provide Parents/Guardians?
A positive relationship between school and home enhances the academic, career, and social/emotional development of children.  Counselors work with parents/guardians to encourage academic and social success by:
  • Involving parents/guardians;
  • Offering “Becoming a Love and Logic® Parent” courses;
  • Providing referral information about community resources;
  • Informing parents/guardians of situations that may harm their child or that may harm others;
  • Obtaining parental consent before proceeding with on-going counseling; and
  • Protecting the privacy of information shared by parents and students.

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