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High School Students are Recognized for their participation in the State Honor Band and Choir.

April 10, 2019


The USD 320 Board of Education recognized two students from the high school that participated in state Honor Bank and Honor Choir.
Kylee Gardner was selected to the Kansas Music Educator's Association State 1-4A Honor Band for the third year in a row. She is only the second student that has done that since I have been here in Wamego. Students become eligible to audition for the State Band when they are sophomores and it is quite an accomplishment to make it three years in a row. Kylee has been first or second chair each year that she's been selected and the band only takes 8 French Horns out of all possible French Horn players throughout the state. The Honor Band met in Wichita February 21st-23rd.
Congratulations to Beth Land for being selected to the Inaugural All-State Treble Choir. Beth was selected to sing in a choir of 168 female voices out of auditions done all across the state of Kansas. Beth Traveled to Wichita, Kansas to rehearse two days with a guest clinician and then performed at Century II Convention Hall with all the State ensembles.