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School Board Appreciation Month

January 10, 2019




January is School Board Recognition Month, and Wamego USD 320 joins other public schools across our state to say thank you to these public servants who are leading success in our community.


These extraordinary seven individuals provide the leadership and vision to make great things happen in our schools.  They volunteer countless hours by attending meetings, reading reports, and discussing ideas. They also participate in workshops and seminars so that they can stay on top of education issues and trends. They provide an invaluable service to our community.


Our school board members develop policies and make tough decisions that help shape the future of our education system. They have responsibility and oversight for an annual budget of $29 million, 1560 students, 375 employees, and 4 school buildings.


Please join me in thanking our board members   we are so fortunate that they are willing to sacrifice their time and talents to advocate for our community and our schools. Their job is sometimes challenging and they do not often hear words of encouragement and appreciation.


The men and women serving Wamego USD 320 are-

District 1- Michelle Johnson, 5th year of service

District 2- Ryan Hargitt, Vice President, 4th year of service

District 3- Nicolette Zeigler, 4th year of service

District 4- Cory Meyer, President, 2nd year of service

District 5- Rob Pettay, 3rd year of service

District 6- Sheryl Wohler, 2nd year of service

At Large- Bruce Coleman, 4th year of service

Thank you all. We greatly appreciate your service and commitment to our students, staff, and community.